Daily Feedings

Ongoing Projects

Daily feedings

At Fred & Martie’s Soup Kitchen, we believe that every meal served is more than just food—it’s a lifeline, a sign of hope, and a reminder that someone cares. Hunger is a harsh reality for many in our community, and with rising poverty, access to nutritious meals is a challenge for vulnerable children, the elderly, and struggling families.

By providing daily meals, we aim to:

  • Fight Hunger and Malnutrition: Ensuring that children can grow and learn, and the elderly can maintain their health and dignity.
  • Inspire Hope: A warm plate of food can lift spirits, restoring faith in tough times.
  • Build Community Bonds: Mealtimes are opportunities for connection, making everyone feel like they belong.
  • Offer Stability: For many, knowing there’s a meal waiting brings comfort and security, especially when life feels uncertain.

The need is great—each day, 625 children and 150 elderly folk depend on us for nourishment. Through daily feedings, we not only meet basic needs but also create a platform for hope, dignity, and kindness to thrive.

Your support ensures we can keep feeding those who need us most—one plate at a time, every single day.

Join us in making a difference. Donate, Volunteer, or Spread the Word to keep the flame of hope alive in our community.